Thursday, December 31, 2009

Best Books of the Decade

Best Books of the Decade
What better way to round out the decade than declare the best
books I've read during this time.
So, how do you choose the best books you’ve read?
I felt I had to go with the ones that have changed how I see the world and how I act in it. Here’s my ten best books of the decade. Plus, how they’ve changed the way I live. Note: Non-Affiliate links to Amazon.

Chris Anderson: The Long Tail
This book changed how I saw business.
I’d been aware the digital world was changing business and this book pinpointed exactly how. Digital economics enables you to make a profit from things you previously couldn’t. It favours the niche. Plus, the tools of production are now in the hands of everyone. And, the internet is your pathway to worldwide distribution.
See Book Rapper issue: Make Money From Niches

James Surowiecki: The Wisdom of Crowds
This book changed how I saw my expertis
e. I’d always presumed that one smart person was better than a mob. Not so. With the help of digital technology and the internet, it's much easier to tap into the power of crowds. We can be right more often! This book also highlights the importance of community. And, the power of crowdsourcing.

Geoff Colvin: Talent is Overrated
This book changed how I work.
Previously, to work on something I would just do it. Now, the concept of Deliberate Practice says ‘no’. Instead, I design specific challenges to work on. I no longer work, I'm now constantly practising. For instance, I’m training myself to write shorter, sharper sentences. They’re now precise and concise. And, I’m on the lookout for zingy, zany and zippy words. Let me know if it works for you!
See Book Rapper issue: Anti-Self-Help

Brafman and Beckstrom: The Spider and the Starfish
This book changed how I see the internet.
It highlights how it’s reshaping how we organize people and ideas. The starfish model (decentralisation) is the new model of business. Think Ebay, Skype and Obama. And this has changed our entire model of leadership. Great metaphor and filled with enjoyable stories to illustrate their point.
See Book Ra
pper issue: Leaderful.

Stefan Klein: The Science of Happiness
This book changed how I think.
I used to think that happiness was lame. It was about becoming a pollyanna. Now I get the value of being happy. And, how I train my brain to respond over my lifetime. Personally, it’s great for my mind and body. Socially, it’s better for everyone. And, now I take different action. I exercise more. I socialize more. And, I think about how I want to feel. I’m happier as a result!

Mark and Pearson: The Hero and the Outlaw
This book changed how I saw branding.
I used to think it was all about sticking labels on products. Now, I see it as a way of living and being. This book gives a right-brained lens for branding through 12 major archetypes. You’ll find yourself in these pages. And, you’ll have a framework for creating your future.

Timothy Ferriss: The Four Hour Work Week
This book changed how I live and work.
The 40 hour work never appealed to me. I've had a full-time job less than 2 years of my life. I wanted to work on my stuff in my time in my way. Ferriss makes it okay to do this. And, he shows you how to make money at the same time. A life-changer!
See Book Rapper issue: The Four Hour JOLT!

Boye Lafayette De Mente: The Japanese Samurai Code
This book reminds me of Groundhog Day.
We think we’re living a brand new day with fresh new challenges and perhaps we’re not… The Samurai present a timeless tradition of being the best you can be. Every day! And, no matter what you're doing. This books highlights their values. And, why they’re still as important as ever. Read it to sharpen your compass.

Tom Peters: The Brand You
This book changed the way I relate to myself.
Previously, I was content to do the things I do. Now, I’m more aware of what I’m building and who I’m becoming. I love the style of this book. It’s filled with Tom’s personality. It’s a rant, a boisterous chant and actions aplenty that’ll make you pant… My favourite: To build your network, don’t eat lunch alone!

Robin, Dominguez and Tilford: Your Money or Your Life
This book changed my attitude to money.
I used to be a typical consumer buying stuff I often didn’t need. Now, I don’t. I don’t see the point. This has allowed me to live a comfortable lifestyle working on the things I love. Perhaps, you can too…

Which books of the past decade changed the way you see the world?
Add a comments and share your thoughts.

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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

iPresent: How to enthrall your audience like Steve Jobs - Part 7

iPresent: How to enthrall your audience like Steve Jobs - Part 7
Derived from : Carmine Gallo; The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs

Action : One More Thing...
PROFIT : Steve Jobs has a habit of saying that... One More Thing... Well, we’re going past Steve! Here’s two more videos to continue your training. Enjoy!

Get the complete iPresent issue from

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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

iPresent: How to enthrall your audience like Steve Jobs - Part 6

iPresent: How to enthrall your audience like Steve Jobs - Part 6
Derived from: Carmine Gallo; The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs

RAP5 : Stand and Deliver

: At some point, you need to face the music, get on stage and strut your stuff. Here’s three things to consider as you stand and deliver your big idea.

Watch the video, read the RAP and apply it.

Share the Stage
"Using Keynote is like having a professional graphics department to create your slides. This is the application to use when your presentation really counts."
Steve Jobs
Our brains crave variety. After 10 minutes we need a break.
There are many ways to do this. Change the topic, the pace or the activity.
Add a video clip. If it’s short, sharp and sensational, why not play it again. Steve does. Want to see it again?
Add some evidence, testimonials and endorsements from others.
Even better, add another person to your presentation. Get an audience member, a pre-planned guest or a presentation partner to join you on stage.

Playing Dress-Ups
"The all-new iPod nano gives music fans more of what they love in their iPods – twice the storage capacity at the same price…"
Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs is renowned for wearing blue jeans, a black sweatshirt and a pair of running shoes on stage.
It’s his corporate uniform.
It works because he’s a billionaire, he’s the CEO and he has a reasonably good record at creating insanely great products.
He’s also a rebel and they’re not supposed to fit in.
And, they are an expensive brand of jeans.
If this is your thing, go for it.
Enough said.
So, what are you going to wear?
Here’s some rules of thumb to consider...

  • Dress to be the person you want to become.
  • Dress a little better than everyone else in the room.
  • Be appropriate for the culture you’re addressing. Even Jobs wore a suit to meet a banker.

Prop Me Up!
"With Time Capsule, all your irreplaceable photos, movies and documents are automatically protected and incredibly easy to retrieve if they are ever lost."
Steve Jobs
Most of Jobs’ presentations are product launches.
He goes further than talking about, explaining and describing these wonderful new toys.
Jobs is the master of the demo. They’re short, simple and well-rehearsed.
He has fun, knows how they work and focuses the audiences attention on him.
An easy trap to fall into is to demonstrate ALL the features of a new technology. Don’t!
Jobs highlights a handful of killer applications only. He’s not trying to show you the full movie, only the trailer to get you interested.
Demos and props are insanely great for drawing on the various learning styles of your audience.
There’s something to look at, to listen to and touch.
If you’re not comfortable with a demo - get someone else to do it for you.

Get the complete iPresent issue from

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Monday, December 28, 2009

iPresent: How to enthrall your audience like Steve Jobs - Part 5

iPresent: How to enthrall your audience like Steve Jobs - Part 5
Derived from : Carmine Gallo; The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs

RAP4 : Getting it Down Pat
PROFIT : An athlete trains for match day. A musician practices for a recital. Steve Jobs rehearses for Macworld. They’re all prepping to pounce like a cat when it matters. Here’s three elements to consider to get yourself ready...

Watch the video, read the RAP and apply it.

Make it Look Easy
“Practice isn’t the thing you do once you’re good. It’s the thing you do that makes you good.”
Malcolm Gladwell, Outliers.
There’s three ways to make your presentations look easy and effortless. The first way is to practice. So is the second and third way.
Jobs rehearses and rehearses and rehearses. Then he practices some more.
He’s as meticulous about his presentations as he is over the design of all the Apple products.
10,000 hours of deliberate practice will make you a world expert... See Book Rapper’s Anti-Self-Help.
The key to getting over nerves is the knowledge that you’re well rehearsed.
Review everything. Video your practice. And, get feedback from respected mentors.
Prepare for tough questions by using the Bucket Method. Most questions will fall into a handful of categories. Prepare answers for these buckets. Listen for key words and use these to steer your response to your bucket categories.

Embody Your Words
“Your body plays a fundamental role in the believability of your message.”
Michelle Bowden, Don’t Picture Me Naked.
Research shows that gestures reflect complex thinking. And, they give the listener confidence in the speaker.
Being authentic in our speaking is when our words and gestures fit. Alternatively, we can smell a lie when the body and facial expressions don’t match your words.
Be open in your postures, your eyes and your hand gestures.
Mix up your vocal variety. Change the TONE of your voice... As well as y-o-u-r p--a--c--e... And...

The best way to improve your presenting performance is to record yourself on video.

Ditch the Script
“Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.”
Steve Jobs
Would an actor use notes?
Jobs speaks casually, conversationally and clearly to his audience. He performs mostly without notes allowing him to connect with his listeners.
One of the best approaches for ditching your script is to use one idea per slide. The slide then becomes one distinct prompt.
Here’s a five step strategy for ditching your script...
  1. Write your script in the notes section of PowerPoint or Keynote and practice your presentation.
  2. Highlight key words in each sentence. Then practice.
  3. Practice using only your key words
  4. Memorize the one key idea per slide. Then practice.
  5. Practice the entire presentation using the slide images as your only prompt.
If you really, really, really have-to use your notes then use a trick Steve did at Macworld 2007: create a notes book. Small, neatly bound with colour-coded tabs to match your talk sections.

Get the complete iPresent issue from

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Sunday, December 27, 2009

10 Hot New Books from Book Rapper'd Authors

10 Hot New Books from Book Rapper'd Authors
Many of the authors of books we’ve rapped are serial offenders. They keep writing more books! So, here’s a list of new books from the authors of ones we’ve covered in previous Book Rapper issues. Note, the dates… a couple are so hot they haven’t been released just yet. Check the due dates. Note: I haven’t read any of these books. I figure if I liked their last one, these might be pretty good too… If you’ve read them, leave a comment with your thoughts.
Another note: All book links are non-affiliate links to Amazon.

Seth Godin - Linchpin
Previous Book: Meatball Sundae
Book Rapper issue: Marketing How-Now
New Book: Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?
Available: January 26, 2010.

Joseph Jaffe – Flip the Funnel
Previous Book: Join the Conversation
Book Rapper issue: Talk With Me
New Book: Flip the Funnel: How to Use Existing Customers to Gai
n New Ones
Available: February 8, 2010

l Pink – Drive
Previous Book: A Whole New Mind

Book Rapper issue: How to Th
ink Right
New Book: Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
Available: Now!

lcolm Gladwell – What the Dog Saw
Previous Book: Outliers
ook Rapper Issue: Anti-Self-Help
New Book: What the Dog S
aw: And Other Adventures
Available: Now!

Ori Brafman – Sway
Previous Book: with Rod A. Beckstrom; The Starfish and the Spider
Book Rapper issue: Leaderful
New Book: with his brother Rom Brafman; Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behaviour

Available: Now!

Chris Anderson – Free
Previous Book: The Long Tail
Book Rapper issue: Make Money From Niches
New Book: Free: The Future of a Radical Price

Available: Now!

othy Ferriss – The Four Hour Work Week (Expanded)
Previous Book: The Four Hour Work Week
Book Rapp
er issue: The Four Hour JOLT!
New Book: The Four Hour Work Week – Expanded Edition – with 100 additional idea filled pages.

Available: Now!

hip and Dan Heath - Switch
Previous Book: Made to Stick
Book Rapper issue: The Sticking Point

New Book: Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard

Available: February 16, 2010

ichael A Banks – On the Way to the Web
Previous Book: Blogging Heroes
Book Rapper issue: W
e Blog
New Book: On the Way to the Web: The Secret History of the Internet and Its Founders

Available: Now!

Barry Libert – Barack Inc
Previous Book: with Jon Spector, We Are Smarter Than Me
Book Rapper issue: The Bees Wees

New Book: with Rick Faulk, Barack, Inc.: Winning Business Lessons of the Obama Campaign
Available: Now!

If you've read any of these books, add a comment and tell us what you think...

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Saturday, December 26, 2009

iPresent: How to enthrall your audience like Steve Jobs - Part 4

iPresent: How to enthrall your audience like Steve Jobs - Part 4
Derived from : Carmine Gallo; The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs

RAP3 : Little Design
PROFIT : Okay, you’ve got your story straight, you’ve put in the big picture elements and now you can design the details of your performance. It’s time to create your slides, make your stats concrete and use some zippy words.

Watch the video, read the RAP and apply it.

Zen It!
Words on Steve Job’s slides:
Thank you.

Your presentation is not about your slides. Sorry to disappoint you.
They’re important and they’re only one aspect of the whole show.
Job’s slides are zen-like: Great photos; few words; even fewer bullet points.
The natural default of PowerPoint and Keynote is bullet points. Ignore them.
Aim for one slide, one theme and usually one image.
Your brain loves pictures. It can read words only because the letters are seen as pictures.
And, for your audience words are slower to digest, take longer to get it and require more energy.
Less is more. Give your images some breathing space.
Let your audience listen to your words rather than deciphering your slides.

Real Numbers
“We’ve sold four million iPhones to date. If you divide four million by 200 days, that’s twenty thousand iPhones every day on average.”

“It’s twice as fast at half the price.”

“1000 songs in your pocket.”

In 2001, Jobs introduced the Apple iPod. The device costs $399. It weighed 6.5 ounces and it had 5Gb capacity.
It would have been easy to emphasize these technical specs. But, Jobs didn’t. He took a different path.
He captured it all in six words: “One thousand songs in your pocket.”
It’s useful to use stats and data in our presentations to make a point. However, it’s only useful for your listeners if they can grab onto what you’re talking about.
Use analogies to make your numbers real, concrete and tangible.
Make them fit our everyday life so we can get ‘em in a flash and with ease.
See Book Rapper issue The Sticking Point for more.

Words That Zing
“Plug it in. Wirrrrr... Done.”

“We made the buttons on the screen look so good, you’ll want to lick them.”

“The number one lust object.”
Ever heard anyone call a computer a ‘lust object’ before? Well, why not? It’s simple, clear and you get it.
Forget the jargon, the complexity and the spin. Say it like it is. Use fun, tangible and familiar words.
Run your paragraphs through to find out how simple your words are to understand.
Use the funnest, sparkling, twinkling words you can. Add some fresh, spicy flavours to your thinking!

Get the complete iPresent issue from

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

iPresent: How to enthrall your audience like Steve Jobs - Part 3

iPresent: How to enthrall your audience like Steve Jobs - Part 3
Derived from : Carmine Gallo; The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs

RAP2 : Big Design
PROFIT : Before you touch your slides you have to plan where you’re going. These three big picture elements are crucial to framing your presentation.

Watch the video, read the RAP and apply it.

Where are We Going?
“Today we are introducing 3 revolutionary products.”
“I want to spend time with you talking about the economy, our industry, and the work we are doing at Microsoft.”
“I’ve got four things I’d like to talk to you about today, so let’s get started…”
Quotes by Steve Jobs.

Speeches need to be written for the ear, not the eye.

Obvious? You bet. And you can help your audience follow you by offering a numbered sequence.
Tell your listeners where you’ve been and where you’re going.
The Rule of Three is a potent tool. Comedians know it works. Obama does too. And so does your brain!
Group your ideas in sets of three to turn a natural rhythm. Good. Better. Best.
Plan: Introduction, 3 points, conclusion.
Talk: three sentences in each paragraph, three points within sentences, three examples in each set.
Make a list of all the points you want to make. Group them until you have only three major messages. Check how we’ve structured this issue.
Add story elements to each key point… personal stories, facts, examples, analogies, metaphors, third-party endorsements. Done!

Faster Than Twitter
Macbook Air: The world’s thinnest notebook
Twitter is a piano tuner for the mind. It forces you to be clear, crisp and concise. 140 characters for your entire message. That’s it.
When scripting your key points make it easy for your listeners to catch them. Write a key phrase, a headline, a tweet, something they can take home and re-use.
Ten words or less is ideal. Be specific, memorable and provide a personal benefit. Say it well, say it often.
Repeat it consistently. Jobs said ‘reinvent the phone’ five times in his 2007 Macworld unveiling.

Holy Shit!

In January 2008, Jobs said: “This is the MacBook Air, so thin it even fits inside one of those envelopes you see floating around the office.” He then walked across the stage, picked up such an envelope and pulled out a notebook computer. The crowd went wild.
It was a moment that stole the audience’s breath. You could hear the gasps, see the jaws drop and hear ‘holy shit’ echo around the room.
The secret to a ‘holy shit’ moment is focus. Focus on one thing. And, one thing only.
Like a good joke teller you need to lead your audience down one path and... hit them over the head with a surprise they didn’t see coming!
Your ‘holy shit’ moment could be an announcement, a memorable story or a stunning demonstration.
Think of a Speilberg movie moment. Indiana Jones is confronted by a sword wielding maniac. What should he do? Pull out his gun, of course...
Create the tension, hold it, then release!
Script the memory, rehearse it well and perform it perfectly!

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

iPresent: How to enthrall your audience like Steve Jobs - Part 2

iPresent: How to enthrall your audience like Steve Jobs - Part 2
Derived from : Carmine Gallo; The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs

RAP1 : Why Should I Care?

PROFIT : We’ve all got things to do... So, why would I spend my valuable time listening to you? If you don’t nail this, you won’t have an audience... What’s the number one thing your audience wants to know? What’s their major concern?

Watch the video, read the RAP and apply it.

Identify the Enemy
“It is now 1984. It appears that IBM wants it all. Apple is perceived to be the only hope to offer IBM a run for its money…” *

“The most advanced phones are called ‘smartphones’, so they say… The problem is they are not so smart and they are not so easy to use.”

“The only problem with Microsoft is they just have no taste. And I don’t mean that in a small way. I mean that in a big way.”
* All quotes by Steve Jobs.

Present the Hero
Who’s the enemy? What’s the problem you’re solving? Why do we need this?

Think of your favourite movie... Every great story has a hero and a villain. Batman and the Riddler. Luke and Darth. Al Gore and the Environment.

For high emotional engagement you need someone to cheer for and someone to rail against.

Create the villain early. The goal is to make some space in the brain. It’s like giving someone an empty coffee cup. It demands it be filled. It sets up a tension, that requires a solution.

And, describe the problem in detail. Place us right there in the thick of it. This is why it doesn’t work...

This sets up the rest of your presentation. Grab my attention early, rally the troops and together we’ll conquer the enemy.

The villain/hero is crucial for your branding too...

See the Mac and Pc ads on the Apple website.

Also, see Book Rapper issue Brand Worship for more.

Change the World
“We’re here to put a dent in the universe.”

“Find something you love to do so much, you can’t wait for the sun to rise to do it all over again.”

“...going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful, that’s what matters to me.”

Let’s be honest... It’s not about the money. It’s not about making a sale. It’s not even about your product.

Apple create products to release human potential. Steve Jobs is out to change the world.

To be this successful you need to tackle something you find interesting. Without this, you won’t make it through the tough times.

For you, it’s about looking back at the end of your day/year/life and saying to yourself, ‘I did good!’

For your audience, it’s about rallying them to a better future, a better world and a richer life.

That’s the job of a leader. To present a context that stimulates people to take action.

To do this... get in touch with your passion, love and purpose. Your most powerful presentations will come from here!

If you can’t look yourself in the eye, then you won’t be able to face your audience with strength, power and clarity.

What’s your call to action?

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

iPresent : How to Enthrall an Audience like Steve Jobs

New Book Rapper issue now available...
: How to Enthrall an Audience like Steve Jobs

The Book
Carmine Gallo; The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs

Speed RAP
Apple CEO Steve Jobs is a charismatic, influential, zippy presenter. He’s a natural model to learn from: The art of presenting your big idea from the stage. With video links to YouTube , this issue is a skillful keynote training program.

The Big Idea
Steve Jobs offers a typical presentation mode. It’s a lifetime’s work to master. Now, let’s add a twist. Mix in some digital media and we have a whole new speaking game. From natural presentations to virtual ones.

Your Challenge Script it, rehearse it and perform it. Get on stage and strut your idea in front of a live audience. I dare you!

Get your copy from:

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Sunday, December 6, 2009

What a disaster!

Wow, that last post was a ****** disaster, wasn't it!

My apologies folks.

It all looked good in the drafts.

And, if your web view or email view is anything like mine, that sucked big time!

Completely unreadable.

I'm not sure if that was me or Issuu...

Any suggestions as to what I did wrong?

I'll have another go later...

In the meantime, if you want to
view them on issuu, do a search for Book Rapper.

Until next time...


PS: Whilst I've got good legs, that's not a photo of me in a skirt and heels.

How to Share Book Rapper with your Audience

How to Share Book Rapper Issues with your Audience
Following from my previous post and the launch of our CC license, plus a prompt from Matt Hern, here's all of the Book Rapper issues thus far in one easy-to-share blog post.

PS: Thanks to James Tuckerman of Anthill for putting me onto

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Friday, December 4, 2009

Seth Says: Start a Book Club

Seth Says: Start a Book Club
Seth Godin is one of the most popular bloggers on the planet.

Each day you get a slice of wisdom worth contemplating.

In his most recent post, “Is it too late to catch up?” he outlines a simple plan to get your organization up to speed in the digital media space.

The 10 part plan is Simple Seth at his genius best: No fluff. Succinct. Direct.

Step 4 is this:
Start a book group for your top executives and every person who answers the phone, designs a product or interacts with customers. Read a great online media book a week and discuss. It'll take you about a year to catch up.
That’s music to my ears! That’s exactly what Book Rapper provides!

Here’s our special offer to you…

The Book Rapper issues are all freely available on our website for you to:
  • Download and read
  • Email to as many people you like – everyone in your organization and beyond
  • Add them as a resource to your newsletter email-outs – permission granted!
  • Print and distribute to anyone you want – just mind the trees!
  • Follow Seth’s suggestion: Run a book club based upon them – I prefer ‘In-house Innovation Program’. Discuss the issue for an hour, stepping through each page. Then discuss how to apply them to your situation for the next hour. That’s a neat 2-hour, monthly innovation program ready for you to facilitate. (We can facilitate these sessions for you too!)
The only thing we ask is you don’t edit or sell any of our issues.

And, feel free to share your results, feedback and suggestions so we can help you further.

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Review: Gary Vaynerchuk ‘Crush It!’

Review: Gary Vaynerchuk: Crush It! Why Now is the time to Cash in on your Passion

Who said you had to be a great writer to create a great book?

In another example of ‘the world has changed’ Gary ‘I can’t write’ Vaynerchuk has just produced a worthy best seller with his first book.

Of course, he didn’t write it, he openly admits he dictated it and someone else polished the words. He knows he’s a master of video not the written word.

And, that’s exactly what I’d expect from Gary Vee. He knows his limits and he’s not fussed if we do too.

If you don’t know who Gary Vaynerchuk is click on the video… it might be the best 15 minutes of YouTube you watch!

Apart from the obvious cliches, there’s something very simple and powerful about Gary Vee.

He knows who is and he knows what he wants.

He doesn’t really care much about the rest.

That’s pretty much what authenticity is. And that’s what makes him so potent and so refreshing.

And, that makes this book worth reading.

Crush It! is both a call to action and an action plan.

It includes Gary Vee’s family story – US immigrants, wine stores and his start with lemonade and baseball cards.

His passion and his commitment is pressed into every page.

He tells you what he did to succeed and challenges you to do the same.

Along the way he points out how social media has overpowered traditional communications. And he gives a clear strategy for how you can do the same.

It goes something like this…

  1. Identify your passion.
  2. Name your personal brand – your positioning: I’m the Book Rapper guy.
  3. Buy your domain name
  4. Choose your medium: video, audio, written word
  5. Blog your passion and expertise
  6. Create great content to share via social media channels.
  7. Create a community by commenting and conversing on other people’s blogs
  8. Repeat daily.
  9. Then when you get enough attention, monetize your work.

Here’s the 25 words or less version: Be you! Be passionate about being you! Get into massive action and share your passion. And, the rest will take care of itself.

As Gary Vee points out: we live in a truly remarkable time.

This is the best time in history to turn your passion into a life worth living.

The tools are sitting on your Mac and on the web.

They’re ready and waiting for you.

There’s no more excuses.

Are you going to crush it or not?

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